Return to Chapter 10 Alchemy Recipes (World of Darkness, Dark Empycchu, Godbird's Eyrie, Treasure Hunt & Side Quests) Return to Chapter 9 Alchemy Recipes (Side Quests, Savella Cathedral, Pirate's Cove and Empycchu) Return to Chapter 8 Alchemy Recipes (Arcadia, Orkutsk, Herb Grotto, Ultimate Key Treasure Hunt and Dragon Graveyard Side Quest) Return to Chapter 7 Alchemy Recipes (Argonia Bazaar, Dark Ruins, Arcadia, Rydon's Tower) There are a few recipes you can make after beating Rhapthorne and finishing the game but they aren't listed on this page. Many of the recipes on this page are to make the strongest items in the game and it's highly recommended that you make at least a few items on this page (Timbrel of Tension).
This page contains Alchemy Recipes for the final part of the game up to Rhapthorne. Alchemy Recipes for (Black Citadel - Dragovian Trials)